Claremore Misdemeanor Defense Attorney


The Wirth Law Office

Claremore Misdemeanor Defense Attorney

Being arrested or charged with a crime can often be a shocking and scary experience.  Even misdemeanor offenses have some very negative consequences which you may want to avoid.  Although the penalties of these classes of offenses many not be a severe as those for felonies, it still may be wise to retain the legal representation of a qualified misdemeanor defense attorney so that you can be apprised of your rights and options.   The Wirth Law Office offers Claremore misdemeanor defense attorney services to help you obtain the best resolution to your case.

Even if you are only charged with a misdemeanor in the Claremore, Oklahoma area, the attorneys at The Wirth Law Office understand the importance of keeping your record clean.  The attorneys of The Wirth Office will advocate on your behalf to significantly increase your chances of a dismissal or an acquittal.

Crimes which are often classified as a misdemeanor include:  petty theft, prostitution, assault, driving without a license, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia, domestic violence, public intoxication, firearm possession, and a number of other criminal offenses.  Facing one of these misdemeanor charges can be a stressful experience which can result in a number of negative consequences.  Therefore, it is wise for you to seek the counsel of an experienced Claremore misdemeanor defense attorney such as the attorneys at the Wirth Law Office to explain to you the penalties which you may face.


Penalties of Being Convicted of a Misdemeanor

Being charged with a misdemeanor offense is less serious than being charged with a felony offense.  However, it can still have some very serious consequences.  Misdemeanor offenses are punishable by up to one year in jail.  Furthermore, fines and probation often result from adjudication of a misdemeanor crime.  This can stay of your record and limit opportunities for you such as employment, education, your ability to secure a loan, and more.  Therefore, it is in your best interest to retain counsel to defend you in your misdemeanor case.  An attorney can fight for a dismissal of charges or mitigate the penalties which you face as much as possible.


What the Wirth Law Office Can Do For You

The Wirth Law Office has successfully defended a number of clients who were facing misdemeanor charges, thus they have the experience that you need to achieve a successful outcome in your case.  The attorneys at The Wirth Law Office will take the time to explain to you the full consequences of a conviction on the misdemeanor charge that you face as well as you options on how to proceed.   Retaining the counsel of The Wirth Law Office will increase the chances that your charges will be dismissed or the penalties you face will be reduced.  When facing a misdemeanor charge, it is good to have a Claremore misdemeanor defense attorney such as The Wirth Law Office on your side to represent you throughout the criminal process.


Contact the Wirth Law Office for Your Free Consultation

If you have been charged with a misdemeanor offense in the Claremore, Oklahoma and are interested in retaining legal counsel, the Claremore misdemeanor defense attorneys at The Wirth Law Office would like to help you with your case.  Contact The Wirth Law Office at 918-213-0950 to schedule your free consultation.


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